通过指令调节AS3992 UHF RFID的读卡灵敏度
How to set the sensitivity of this AS3992 reader?
This function sets and reads various gen2 related settings.
The values are only being set if the proper set_ value is set to 1.
Values for the different parameters are:
For example,
send: 59 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, we can get the default values of gen2 parameters.
The default sensitivity value of our reader is -71dBm, which is 0xB9 in the computer.
71 -> 01000111B, -71 -> 10111001B -> 0xB9
Note: The largest sensitivity of AS3992 is -86dBm (0xaa).
Now I set the sensitivity -54dBm. Send: 59 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 CA
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Uart串口UHF RFID读写器 915M 无源GEN2超高频读写模块 AS3992
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