【Uart版本调试工具】Eleckits_UHF_RFID_Uart_Debug ST25RU3992 Uart接口调试工具软件。支持xp/win7平台。
1、Install the "rfid_usb.exe"
If you use Win Xp:
Copy "Mscomm32.ocx" to..\windows\system32;
Then click "start" menu, click "run", input "regsvr32 mscomm32.ocx", click the enter button.
If you use Win7 32bit:
Copy "Mscomm32.ocx" to..\windows\system32;
find c:\windows\system32\CMD.exe,run in Administrator Mode,input "regsvr32 mscomm32.ocx"
If you use Win7 64bit:
Copy "Mscomm32.ocx" to..\windows\syswow64;
find c:\windows\syswow64\CMD.exe,run in Administrator Mode,input "regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\mscomm32.ocx"
2、Open "rfid_usb.exe"
Click the button "FindDevice",it will show:
it means OK, find the device.
Then click "OpenPort", it will show:
receive data thread have started
OK! You can send the command by the button.
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